Help's Social Inclusion Campaign
All of Help’s Country Directors in the Western Balkans speak about the “Socio-economic empowerment of the Western Balkans” project
All the citizens of the Western Balkans want a stable economic situation and democratic society within the EU. Help supports the people of the WB providing opportunities for their economic empowerment and social inclusion of vulnerable groups leading towards socio-economic stability of the region and facilitating the EU integration processes.
Help in Albania Country Director Ilir Liço says: “The future of Western Balkans is strongly related to the EU integration processes. Help’s office in Albania contributes to participating in civil society consultation and cross-sector workgroups for monitoring the implementation process of legislation, government strategies, actions plans and policy papers.
Moreover, we aim to expand the areas of economic empowerment, rural development and social inclusion enhancing employability and access to the labour market of job-seeking disadvantaged youth and women.”

Help in Kosovo Country Director Shqipe Breznica says:
“Kosovo Help’s office sees the future of the Western Balkans free, prosperous, and resilient which we aim through the sustained improvement of individuals, families, and communities’ well-being. Our projects have been leading to economic transformation in Kosovo since 2015. By increasing business opportunities, self-employment, and effective management of supported businesses we have provided financial stability to our beneficiaries. That creates opportunities for further education and learning, self-fulfilment, and participation in social and cultural advancement, which are all essential elements of positive societal changes towards self-reliance at large.”
Help in Montenegro Country Director and Regional Coordinator Klaus Mock says:
“And while some countries have already opened the association procedures others lack behind. Help supports in this process marginalised groups by providing opportunities that allow them to participate and benefit from economic development. Our interventions help them to access the economic opportunities they need to get out of unemployment and poverty. Marginalised groups will thus find their role and have a voice in the process of development. For economic development is a crucial pre-condition for achieving prosperous and democratic societies and making the countries in the region an integral and productive part of Europe.”

Help in Serbia Country Director Aleksandra Brkic says:
“Our target group consists of vulnerable and marginalised people, such as women, youth, long-term unemployed, former-prisoners, rural population, and Roma. Through our four offices in Serbia, we have adopted a proactive approach, reaching the potential beneficiaries in their local communities, and making sure they are informed of current opportunities and able to apply for the assistance available. Upholding Help’s principle of help towards self-help, the main goal of our interventions is to provide our beneficiaries with an initial push towards a better future, eventually resulting in their economic empowerment, increased self-confidence, feeling of self-worth and active inclusion into the society. “
Help in Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Director Almin Adzovic says:
“As a pre-accession country, we will support bridging the gap in practices and policies. Especially in terms of micro and small businesses development and support of marginalised, socially vulnerable people in WB countries, for we are part of Europe. Help is prepared in case of any natural or man-made disasters and will act promptly as always. However, our focus remains on creating better prospects for socio-economic advancement with innovative and environmentally friendly ideas in that process.”