Key Intervention Areas

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Economic Empowerment

Assist disadvantaged people to earn their own income through employment and self-employment and support start-ups, small businesses and social businesses to grow & provide a living income.
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Rural Development

Sustainable and long-term support for small farms, rural and agritourism businesses to improve their economic wellbeing and support development of local rural communities.
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Support individuals held in detention to reintegrate into society through vocational training & work experience.
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Social Inclusion

Address social exclusion by supporting integration of marginalised groups, providing opportunities to youth and promoting gender equality in all activities.
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Emergency Assistance

Provide prompt emergency assistance to families and communities in response to natural disasters and pandemics.
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Green Economy

Support new approaches to waste management, innovation and circular economy.

Our Projects

Emergency Aid Support

Emergency Aid Support Emergency aid to the most vulnerable citizens affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

Support with electronic devices

Support to Albanian Institutions in Kavaja Assisting online education at Kavaja Youth Detention Centre Most

Earthquake 2019

26 November 2019 Help gave emergency assistance to families affected by 2019 earthquake Albania was


Our Vision

Our vision is a world where need, poverty and social injustice have been overcome and everyone can live freely in dignity, peace and safety, and in harmony with the environment.

Our Mission

Helping people to help themselves is our guiding principle. We support people struggling with or threatened by crises. Help strengthens survivability, improves living conditions and increases the resilience of people living in difficulty worldwide. Our help is needs-based and environmentally friendly and recognises that people are equal in all their diversity and whatever their circumstances. In this way we contribute to sustainable change in line with our vision.

Recent News

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We are hiring

WE ARE HIRING! Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe is looking to recruit one full time

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Thirrje për grante për fermerët dhe bizneset rurale!

Thirrje për grante për fermerët dhe bizneset rurale! Në kuadër të projektit FERMERR, zhvilluar nga

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Ftesë për tender / Tender Invitation

Help, në kuadër të projektit “Përfshirja dhe Fuqizimi Ekonomik në Ballkanin Perëndimor”, financuar nga Qeveria

Our Donors